![]() Authorised and Built by Martin Jackson, Casuarina Drive, Rapid Creek |
Vote Martin Jackson
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Casuarina is a wonderful area - the beautiful beach and coastal reserve, Lee Point / Binybara & Buffalo Creek, lots of open spaces and parks. Great for shopping!All candidates promise the world. Our politicians try but are blinkered by party politics, business donations and lobbyists. We must work together - the politicians, the voters and the experts to make the smart decisions for a better life in the Territory for all of us. Let us now:
Stop making Darwin hotter by burning fossil fuels
![]() Stop Labor and the Liberals damaging our TerritoryLabor and CLP fracking will damage all our lives. The increase in CO2 from extracting and burning the gas will lead to a hotter planet, less stable weather, more floods and fires, desertification, lost land, starvation, lost and damaged lives. There are better jobs and better economies with renewable energy. Did you know that Territorian drivers pay 30 times more in vehicle registration than the gas industry pays in royalties? Or that Inpex and Santos don’t pay for the gas they export from the Northern Territory? (The Australian Institute ) We fight this battle with politicians and oil/gas companies throughout the democratic world. We fight against the false information deliberately spread to deceive us. The NT government elections are part of the fight to stop this. Please help stop them. Tell me what you thinkEmail me your thoughts and concerns or encouragement . Thank you team! Thank you donors!Join the crack team, wear the shirt, help deliver flyers, display a core-flute or more please email me. |
Good question!
Born and bred north of Manchester, UK.
After university I taught Maths in a secondary school for four years. I enjoyed it, but I wanted to see more of the world.
Since then writing software has been my work and fun apart from occasional teaching.
I have been a keen communitarian. As my children grew up I was an active member in a local CARE (Community Action in the Rural Enviroment) group where we planted over 500 trees. I was Treasurer and Chair of Penistone Round Table (Apex), Yorkshire and an elected Parent Governor at my children's secondary school. As I stopped smoking in my late forties I learnt to play tennis and chaired the old works Stocksbridge Tennis Club. Over 14 years our team built the club from zero to 160 members and eventually resurfaced the courts. I still visit and play there when I can.
My wife and I arrived in Darwin 10 years ago on an adventure. We stayed!
We both became Australian citizens. And the adventure continues.
I have been a member of Nightcliff Lions for nine years taking on various roles including Treasurer and President. I have contributed as a committee member of Gardens Tennis Club.
My wife and I actively supported Save Lee Point / Binybara and the No New Gas Coalition.
I do weekly voluntary maths teaching at a special school.
I try to keep fit playing tennis, cycling and swimming.
I am interested in traditional and modern beers and home brew them.
We enjoy camping, film, theatre, dance and many festivals.
We love Darwin and people of Darwin.
I am standing for Member of the Legislative Assembly for Casuarina because I am angry about the damage Labor is doing to the Territory and want to stop the damage.
Climate change caused by the burning of fossils fuels increasing the green house gases in the atmosphere. We need to switch to renewables as soon as possible.
Renewable energy will not produce those green house gases, it will be much cleaner for the air we breath and cheaper.
Yes cheaper! The costs of windmills, solar energy, new power grids and the necessary batteries are now cheaper than new gas power stations and they make cheaper electicity.
There will be no more electicity price rises due to oil and gas prices increasing from wars and greed. Prices will come down as renewable energy and batteries get more efficient and cheaper.
Fracking is even crazier. It is marginal in that lots of energy and resources are required to get the gas out of the ground. Several kilometers of drilling vertically and horizontally are required. Vast amounts of poisonous water is pumped at high pressure to hydraulically fracture the shale holding the gas. Most of the poisonous water is not recovered and stays under ground where it is supposed to stay. The vertical drill hole must be expertly lined for it to be 100% leak proof to prevent seepage into other strata especially aquifers. All achievable in perfect conditions with perfect geology and perfect contractors. But things go wrong. 100's of cases of failure are reported in the USA.
Then there is transport of the gas from remote Beetaloo to Darwin and further where methane escapes. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Processing produces more toxins. Medical experts state the risk to people and particularly children to the toxins in the air is very serious and will lead to cancers and lung disease. Yes crazy, so why do both Labour and the liberals want to do this?
Also worth reading is the Australian Institutes report Australia’s great gas giveaway
Lee Point / Binybara is old woodland where the old trees provide special habitats for birds and mammals including the beautiful Gouldian finch.
How many MLAs have visited Lee Point / Binybara to see why it is special? Zero I believe!
What could be a world class tourist attraction is being trashed and Labour and the Liberals want to do this.
There are many alternatives to building at Lee Point / Binybara where the defence personnel will be closer to the Robertson Barracks.
It is disturbing how much air pollution we get in Casuarina and Darwin. Some measurements suggest this area is one of the worst in Australia. How much monitoring of all the different airborne toxins are there? This ought to be an important role for the NTG. In fact shouldn't it be a human right to have clean air? Burn back contributes and should be closely monitored. Too many people complain about the bad air. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) have poured into our air from Impex due to some broken gear. Please read this. It is worst for the workers. At the Senate Enquiry into Middle Arm Development senators raised many of these points with well researched material to support their case.
The Envoronment Centre commissioned a report to spend the billions the commonwealth is subsidising the Middle Arm gas hub more wisely - Recharging the Territory.
When Impex was built it sucked in workers from all over Australia, house prices went up, rentals went up, local businesses struggle as they lost their staff, tradies were like hens teeth.
This was not sustainable. People bought property that lost value as nortmality returned.
NT needs sustainable businesses. Renewables are a wonderful part of that mix. CDU could support training and research in sustainability to make our planet a better place.
How many tereritoreans are working at Beetaloo? This is FIFO. It offers little to the NT economy next to the opportunities available in a territory and all the sun.
This is so serious for the NT. Read what the experts are saying Darwin: HeatWatch projects up to 308 days over 35°C per year by 2090.
Of course 2090 is a long time away but look at the grapgh from 1980 to 2020. The deniers say it is just weather. The climate scientist, 97% of them not paid by oil companies, say it is because we are burning massive amounts of fossil fuels.
Then some say what the the NT does is only a percent of the Chinese or some other distraction. We must all stop burning fossil fuels. We territoreans are responsible for many times more green house gases per person than the Chinese!
Some say if we don't frack someone else will. We call this the drug dealers arguement. Absolutely immoral!
I fully support a NT Human Rights Act
All homo sapiens should have rights protected and the rights list should be long and detailed and used to measure what our governments provide.
More details for us all to read are -What are human rights?-
![]() Or send message to Martin Jackson
Besides voting for me and spreading the word, there's lots of ways you can support my election campaign.
Please get in touch for a bundle of fliers to letterbox.
Let us know if you have a space for a corflute sign on your fence.
Please join our campaign team. There's a task or two for everyone helping us get things organised.
VideosThe great Australian water grab Video about Beetaloo and Middle Arm Darwin Environment Groups |
Get the Science |
The Lee Point housing project has been plagued by appalling planning from the start, and never should have been allowed to get this far.
It is well past time for an investigation into DHA. Take Action:
Please sign this PETITION that calls for an inquiry into DHA.
The name and address of donors must be reported for gifts valued at $200 or more. (For political party candidates the limits is $1,500!)
Please donate to my election bank account with ANZ Name: Martin Jackson, BSB: 015901, Account number: 215937781.
Please reference the payment with your full name.
If $200 or more please email me your full name, address and the amount.
Donations will be used to cover expenses such as paper, t-shirts, pizzas in the park.
This will enable us to reach out wider and be reported to the NT Electorial Commission.
16th August Rally for Raise the Age and Justice ReinvestmentRally on the lawns outside of the NT Parliament, calling for the following demands:
Good speakers. Made absolute common sense. I would have liked to hear more about the diversion programs but it was midday and quite scorching outside Parliament House. Made me realise how important it is to be elected to stop the CLP lowering the age of criminal responsibility. |
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7th August Dutton in DarwinHe talks about crime damaging businesses, not the people frightened to go out, being robbed or burgled. Nor did he mention the CLP plan to put 10 year olds in prison? |
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7th August National Evening with the Minister – Strengthening Our Nature Laws WebinarThis was a Zoom discussion with National Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek about strengthening our federal nature laws. Our Kirsty Howey had her spot. Plibersek seems just words, words, words. She still supports the bulldozing of Lee Point / Binybara and her government supports the Fracking and Middle Arm Gas Processing Plant. Yes, better than the previous Environment Minister Sussan Ley! |
6th August Gas in the NT: The FactsThree great speakers at the Railway Club gave a depressing story of gas politics. The evening was organised by the Environment Centre with The Australian Institute. There is little income and few jobs for the NT from the gas industry. The Japanese get our gas for nothing and sell it on for vast profits. The boom and bust cycle damages businesses and jobs. The air pollution from this unregulated industry damages our lives. In some cases the people who work at Inpex are most vulnerable. The hottest day in 100,000 years was last week and our politicians still don't get climate change! It costs more and makes inflation when world oil prices go up. Renewables are cheaper now and will get cheaper! YES! This is why I am standing as an MLA and angry.
Check out The Australian Institute
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1st August DisobedienceFlash mob doing their Disobedience moves to ‘Stayin’ Alive’ at Mindal yesterday. Having fun while pushing the message out. |
Last night this seniors forum listened and questioned Ngaree Ah Kit, Minister for Seniors, Jo Hersey, Shadow Minister for Seniors & Suki Dorras-Walker, Greens.
They all listed their plans with Labor listing what it had done over the last six years.
Ngaree and Jo restated their plans to frack the territory and not stop the destruction of Lee Point / Binybara.
Otherwise lots of good ideas from all. Safety from crime was a theme with lots of sensitive awareness.
Jo back pedalled on her parties' prison for ten year olds plan.
I was impressed with the CLP plan to double feed in tariffs for solar panels on our roofs in peak times and double the battery bonus up to $12,000.
If elected, I would look to work with all the parties and independents, my electorate and experts inside and outside government to make the territory a safer, cleaner, happier and cared for place.
27th July Gunter and Martin discuss Territory politics as the sun setsGunter and his friend Oscar were both keen on voting Independent. |
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26th July Damaged CorflutesOur beautiful corflute located at the end of Rocklands and Henbury was vandalised, the posts snapped. Next to it was Lauren's and Suki's lying on the ground, but fortunately Khodas was erect and intact . I have repaired our corflute. I plan to let these candidates know. |
25th July State and Future of NT's SavannasThere were over 200 people at a most stunning evening at the outside amphitheatre at MAGNT that heard about the 'State and Future of NT's Savannas' from Wagiman Traditional Owners and three eminent ecological and environmental professors. We were treated to a film produced by the Environmental Centre NT focusing on the effects of land clearing near the Daly River. We have the most intact and interconnected natural landscapes of the world's savanna (almost 70% of its area), rich biodiversity, tropical rivers that are still healthy and Indigenous Traditional Owners that have managed these ecosystems for thousands of years. This is all in danger due to lax environmental protection that allow industries to cause serious destruction from which there is no return. No Fracking - Save Lee Point / Binybara |
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24th July Our Corflute obscured by the CLPAndrew was out delivering flyers for us when he saw them hiding our corflute and alerted us. As we were off to Brinkin delivering flyers we checked them out. We take it as a compliment they feel the need to hide our corflute. Maybe they know the resentment the electorate have for the two main NT political parties makes us Independents potential winners. I suggested the NT Electoral Commission may be interested by their antics and they moved aside. |
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23rd July Martin with the Vanderlin Shuffleits fun to wave and smile and get waves and smiles back. |
22nd July Corflutes CorflutesGetting ambitious now with a double corflute at roundabout on Daldawa Terrace. Let us know if you like them. We do! More this afternoon Met the wonderful Ian R delivering our flyers on Lee Point Road. Good work young man! |
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21st July Corflute Erection DayGrusha has created these wonderful corflutes. My task to erect them. First I tried to make a hole with a big screw driver, then to smack a metal stake into the hard territory ground. Nope! Got hold a cheap drill and 12mm drill bit but hole didn't work with 17mm wood sticks. Nope! Mate Perky lent me the proper gear. Big drill with 22mm bit. Worked like magic. Did five and ran out of battery. But now we have corflutes for our electorate to see. More tomorrow before I need to return drill. |
There are plans by NTG to build a Youth Centre on Rowland Street where the old fire station is.
It will cost over $9 million and cost $1.5 million to run each year.
There was cynicism it would be built or reduce the crime by a angry man who had been to several meetings over the years.
There was apparently no consultation with the community where to locate this.
They are hoping 30 to 60 children and young adults will use the new facility. I calculate this would be a cost of around $200 for each attendance.
I'm not sure this is my vision of youth centres to attract kids off the streets into constructive activities but these people had done their research and are some of the experts.
Apparently similar hubs had been successful in Palmerston.
Basically burn back is causing serious pollution with consequent health problems and deaths. It could be done with less damage and safer timing.
17th July Martin delivers flyerMartin & Marilynne have now delivered flyers to all Casuarina, Nakara, Brinkin and Tiwi. Dana and friends are working hard in Lyons. Ian and Gayle are covering Muirhead. |
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Great fun. My corflute suggested we should stop Labour and Liberals bulldozing Lee Point.
I will do it again with my campaign T-shirt and get a picture!
11th July Launched my candidacy at Tracy Village.Well attended members of the electorate and friend. Watch my speech. |
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